The Search AutoComplete module for AbleCommerce provides users with the suggested queries as they type their query in the search box. It enables users to quickly find and select from a pre-populated list of values as they type, leveraging searching and filtering.

By giving an auto-complete field focus or entering something into it, the plugin starts searching for entries that match and displays a list of values to choose from. By entering more characters, the user can filter down the list to better matches.

Common search prefixes and search terms are defined in the merchant admin panel. Search terms and prefixes can be easily populated in bulk.

The control makes use of jQuery autocomplete and is flexible to be customized by the user.

Live example of the use of Search AutoComplete module for AbleCommerce can be seen at the following store.

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Here is the basic documentation of the search auto complete module.


The basic use is just to replace the following


with this


in your scriptlet code.

Detailed usage documentation along with parameters is as follows.

[[ConLib:Plugables/SearchAutoComplete CacheLength="30" Delay="1" MatchSubset="true" MinChars="1"]]


  • CacheLength The number of backend query results to store in cache on the client side. Default value is 30.
  • Delay The delay in milliseconds the auto completer waits after a keystroke to active itself. Default value is 1.
  • MatchSubset Whether or not the auto completer can use a client side cache for more specific queries. This is applicable on the client side jquery.autocomplete matching. Default value is true.
  • MinChars The minimum number of characters a user has to type before the auto completer activates. Default value is 1.
Search AutoComplete for AbleCommerce
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