This control provides an easy way to display random information boxes on your store. For example random quotes, client testimonials, news items and etc. The controls reads information items from an XML file that you can put anywhere in your store. The information items from the file are randomly displayed at the place where you use this InfoBox control.

The control exposes many properties which facilitates the merchant in managing the look and feel of the control. For example; weather to show the title or author name or not.

Get Random InfoBox Now

How to deploy and configure the Random Information Box?

After downloading extract the and do the steps explained below.

  1. Copy the InfoBox.ascx file and paste it in the ConLib folder.
  2. Copy the InfoBox.css file and paste it in the current theme folder.
  3. Copy the InfoItems.XML file and paste it in the App_Data folder.
  4. Now you can use it like any other control in the ConLib folder. For example edit the Sidebar.htm scriptlet in the contents and put the following line of code at the end of scriptlet.
  5. You can use different properties in order to administer the control. Please read the next section for exposed properties of control.

Random Information Box Control’s properties:

SourceFile: This is the property by which you can set the path for the XML file inside App_Data folder. Default file is InfoItems.XML which is bundled with the control.

Caption: You can set the caption of “Random Information Box” by asigning value to caption as Caption=” Recent Products Info”.

Show Prefixed Properties: There are a number of properties prefixed with word Show. You can use these properties to Show/Hide the Title,Author,Company and Date as per your need. For example in order to hide the Title you can use ShowTitle=”false” same for others.

[Screen Shot]

Random Information Box
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